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10-Day Train Tour through Western France

10-Day Train Tour through Western France

10-Day Train Tour through Western France   Taking a train tour is a great idea, especially if you don’t want to bother with renting a car and having to drive, navigate, and pay tolls. You may have seen the 10-Day Eastern France Train Tour in my earlier post. Here...

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Chamonix: The Heights of France

Chamonix: The Heights of France

Chamonix...   Think about Chamonix nestled in the French Alps and you picture pristine jagged mountains, world-class ski resorts, and gondolas seeming to sail into space. Chamonix is also a charming resort town surrounded by the highest mountains in Europe. One...

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9 Hidden Gems in Paris

9 Hidden Gems in Paris

9 Hidden Gems in Paris This is Oliver's France's 200th post! If you’re willing to get away from the tourist crowds and discover hidden gems in Paris, you’re in for a treat. Here are 9 hidden gems you’ll enjoy discovering. They are scattered throughout the city. The...

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A Golden City in the South: Aix-en-Provence

A Golden City in the South: Aix-en-Provence

A Golden City in the South: Aix-en-Provence   About 20 miles north of Marseille lies the golden city of Aix-en-Provence. (Aix is pronounced X.) No visit to Provence would be complete without coming here at least for a couple of days. That said, there’s enough to...

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A 10-Day Eastern France Train Tour

A 10-Day Eastern France Train Tour

10-Day Eastern France Train Tour   Self-guided train tours can be just as rewarding as a road trip in different ways. Eastern France has many memorable towns and cities that are easily accessible by train. Once you arrive and find your lodging, you’re free to...

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Start Dreaming of France Travel

Start Dreaming of France Travel

Start Dreaming of France Travel in 2025!   If you’re thinking about travel for 2025, Oliver’s France has some suggestions for you. It’s not too early to explore what you want to do. Southeast? Northwest? Paris and day trips from there? Take some time over the...

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France in the News: 5 Stories

France in the News: 5 Stories

France in the News: 5 Stories France is in the news. Get up to speed with these 5 interesting stories of recent developments in l’Hexagone (French nickname for their country, shaped like a 5-sided hexagon!)   Snowfall in Paris Right about the time Americans were...

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Black Friday at Oliver’s France!!

Black Friday at Oliver’s France!!

Oliver's France doesn't want to be left out of Black Friday festivities and discounts! You might be planning your next trip already for 2025 or beyond, and we want you to be equipped with helpful travel and language resources. So, here is the news.... (The summary, if...

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10 Famous French Pastries (and where to find them)

10 Famous French Pastries (and where to find them)

10 Famous French Pastries   One of the iconic treasures visitors most seek in Paris is the French pastry. It’s known around the world for good reasons. They don’t just look good! The taste equals the artistic appearance. There are 1300 bakeries in Paris. Most...

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French Wine Basics

French Wine Basics

One of the pleasures France is most known for is its wine. Centuries of careful crafting, along with ideal climate and soil combinations, have made France stand out as a producer of quality wines known around the world. Some references claim there are 330 unique wine...

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Le Marais: A Must-Visit in Paris

Le Marais: A Must-Visit in Paris

The next time you’re in Paris, Le Marais is one neighborhood you should have on your must-visit list during your trip.   What is Le Marais? The word marais in French means swamp or wetlands (marsh.)  This area was once marshy, but in the 12th century was drained...

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