by K.B. Oliver | Apr 10, 2024 | French language, Learning French
French for Travelers If you have travel plans (this year or in the future) to France, consider this: If you can speak even a small amount of French in stores, restaurants, and hotels, you’ll enjoy your trip even more, because you’ll feel more like an...
by K.B. Oliver | Apr 2, 2020 | Activities and Culture, French language
Studying French in France Everyone knows the best way to learn a language is to live in the country. But maybe you aren’t able to pull up roots and move to France so you can practice with the locals and pick up new vocabulary words on a daily basis. What if you could...
by K.B. Oliver | Mar 5, 2020 | French language, Activities and Culture, Blog
Free French Mini-Course! Bonjour! Maybe you’re planning a trip to France in the future, or maybe you simply love the French language. There is a special tool I have developed for you. It is the FREE online mini-course called French Greetings and Polite...