
In this section, you’ll find all the Oliver’s France posts: regional destinations, travel tips, France-wide activities, language tools, food, and much more. To go directly to regional destinations, click on the Regional tab on the menu, or click on one of the photos in the regional section on the home page. If you have something particular you want to find, there’s a search bar on the right side of the menu. And for a listing of all categories and posts, click HERE.

The Heart of Central France

The Heart of Central France

We may think that only Paris and the coastal areas of France are of interest, but think again! There’s a lot to see in the heart of Central France, known by the French as “la France profonde”, or deep France. During your road trip toward the coast or Provence, you’ll...

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5 Foods You Must Try in France

5 Foods You Must Try in France

When you visit France, there are just some foods you have to eat. It's like getting your passport stamped when you arrive. Some of these you know instinctively. You may make some of these yourself. But you know they aren't the same. They aren't made the same and they...

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French Cheese: A Brief Cheese-Lover’s Guide

French Cheese: A Brief Cheese-Lover’s Guide

What began centuries ago in a French monastery is now one of France’s largest exports and revered by the  French as well. French cheese is one of the country's notable accomplishments, with over 350 primary types. With all these choices, you'll probably want a cheese...

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La Rochelle: Medieval Port on the Atlantic

La Rochelle: Medieval Port on the Atlantic

La Rochelle is a city on France’s west coast, a city whose port was an important trading and fishing center from the 11th to 14th centuries. During this time, the city was protected by towers at the port. Today, you can see and visit these icons of the city. This...

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French Coastal Secrets #4: Juan-les-Pins and Antibes

French Coastal Secrets #4: Juan-les-Pins and Antibes

Juan-les-Pins and Antibes. Maybe you’ve heard of Juan-les-Pins…or not…but it has the charm and energy of Nice, its nearby neighbor. It even has a curved beach which hosts many hotels, quite a few of them high-rises on the waterfront. This popular beach town sits just...

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Need Ideas for your Trip to France?

Need Ideas for your Trip to France?

Where did summer go? Did you make that trip to France? No? What about next year? Here are some ideas that will get you thinking. And planning. For next year. Or even this fall. Today I’m bringing back some classic Oliver’s France posts that you might not have seen...

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French Coastal Secrets #3: Cavalaire-sur-Mer

French Coastal Secrets #3: Cavalaire-sur-Mer

Cavalaire-sur-Mer. Like many small beach towns on France’s southern coast, Cavalaire-sur-Mer began as a fishing village. It didn’t achieve tourist status until the 50s, but even today it’s a lesser-known treasure on the Cote d’Azur. This is a place I really liked and...

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Discover Lyon

Discover Lyon

You’ve heard of Lyon, France, and maybe changed trains there. That was my only experience with Lyon, until recently. Many people told me how nice a city it is, how good the food, how much there is to do. I had to visit it for myself. Worth a Visit Lyon is a sprawling...

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French Coastal Secrets #2: Sanary-sur-Mer

French Coastal Secrets #2: Sanary-sur-Mer

Sanary-sur-Mer. Nestled between Toulon and Marseille in southern France, you’ll find another seaside treasure, Sanary-sur-Mer. If you’re making a trip to Marseille, it’s not very far to visit Sanary, La Ciotat, and Cassis. Don’t you just love these small French beach...

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20 Packing Tips for Your Trip to France

20 Packing Tips for Your Trip to France

Great Packing tips and one great freebie for cheap travel everywhere! See the link at the bottom of the post! Before You Pack 1.       Know your airline’s policy about weight and number of bags 2.      Have a list. Believe me, it saves stress. Each time you return...

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French Coastal Secrets: #1  La Ciotat

French Coastal Secrets: #1 La Ciotat

La Ciotat. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy the Riviera without the price and snob-appeal? To taste the South of France coastline without the packed beaches, the secret is to aim smaller. The next few posts will feature French coastal towns you might not have ever heard...

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A French Alps Vacation

A French Alps Vacation

If nature is in your soul, the French Alps are your paradise, with unparalleled beauty everywhere you turn. That’s why, for hikers, skiers, climbers, paragliders, campers, and walkers, the French Alps are a top destination and Europe’s highest mountain chain. This is...

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