Paris and Nearby

9 Hidden Gems in Paris

9 Hidden Gems in Paris

9 Hidden Gems in Paris This is Oliver's France's 200th post! If you’re willing to get away from the tourist crowds and discover hidden gems in Paris, you’re in for a treat. Here are 9 hidden gems you’ll enjoy discovering. They are scattered throughout the city. The...

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Paris Summer Olympics 2024!

Paris Summer Olympics 2024!

The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics   The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics… it’s the big news in Paris, along with political upheavals. Paris is among only Los Angelas and London to host the summer Olympic Games three times: in 1900, in 1924, and one hundred years later in...

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Discover Fontainebleau

Discover Fontainebleau

Discover Fontainebleau   About an hour’s drive south of Paris you’ll find an idyllic town that’s long been a favorite day or weekend trip for Parisians: Fontainebleau. You’ll want to learn more about this destination for several reasons and you’ll enjoy them all!...

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9 Beautiful Streets in Paris

9 Beautiful Streets in Paris

9 Beautiful Streets in Paris   Paris has many beautiful streets. You’ll likely see headlines such as “Paris’ prettiest streets” in travel blogs. Quite honestly, it would be difficult to say which streets are THE prettiest, but here are 9 of them you should visit,...

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Christmas in Paris!

Christmas in Paris!

Merry Christmas from Paris! Surrounding you and extending all the way down the Champs Elysées to the Arc of Triumph is a glowing river of color, making you forget the chill in the air. Lights wink at you from the trees lining the majestic avenue, and it seems...

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5 Things that have Changed in Paris

5 Things that have Changed in Paris

During my recent visit to Paris, I noticed a few changes. My trip to France was long overdue! My heart’s still there, as I expect to see a boulangerie on the corner or hear French conversation. I visited Dijon, Paris, and Bordeaux and had a quick side trip to St....

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Notre Dame: Icon of Paris

Notre Dame: Icon of Paris

Notre Dame de Paris The Notre Dame Cathedral is the final French monument in this 5-part series (links below) and deserves special attention. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame Cathedral (called Notre Dame de Paris) is symbolic of France. It is the most visited...

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The 10 Best Parks in Paris

The 10 Best Parks in Paris

Don't you Love Parks? Paris has the Best! In a city of 2 million residents, the need for more housing (not to mention financial opportunity) didn’t prevent the French government from prioritizing green spaces.  Paris parks are not plots of grass or playing fields. The...

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