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Specialties of Burgundy and the French Alps
Food of Burgundy and the French Alps Before we continue our food journey across France, I wanted to let you know I’ll be there for a visit during the last half of July. I’ll post photos and news on Facebook and...
French Food Specialties: Provence and the Southwest
French Food Specialties: Part 2, Provence and Southwest France You likely know how loved French food is. But you may not know all the differences in each region of France. Each area has its specialties. We’ve embarked...
French Food Specialties: Normandy and Alsace
Food Specialties Across France: (Part I) Normandy and Alsace In France, food specialties are tied to the climate and the terrain, both of which are included in the elusive word that has no English equivalent…terroir....
Notre Dame: Icon of Paris
Notre Dame de Paris The Notre Dame Cathedral is the final French monument in this 5-part series (links below) and deserves special attention. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame Cathedral (called Notre Dame de Paris)...
Five Impressive Monuments Outside of Paris
Amazing historical French monuments exist across the country. We’ve seen many in Paris but here are five notable examples of visible history in other parts of France: Le Mont St. Michel in Normandy, Abbey Fontevraud in...
Three Monuments in Paris: Place de la Concorde, Louvre, and Sacre Cœur
Paris is full of monuments. Much of French history was played out right here near the flowing Seine River. We’ll look at three significant monuments, each one targeting specific cultural and historical events you’ll...
Travel and Language Resources
Hit the Road: Free eBook!
There’s something special about seeing France by car. The freedom to set your pace, to see the out-of-the way places. Here are 5 Made-for-You road trips in 5 of the loveliest regions of France. Free 34-page eBook. Just rent a car and go!
Magical Paris: Over 100 Things to Do Across Paris
Magical Paris: The places you most want to see, as well as places you’ve never read about anywhere. Magical Paris gives both, not just tourist hubs, but ALL of Paris. All across Paris…discover the magic.
A French Garden: The Loire Valley
Here’s a place you might see only in your dreams, but it’s just an hour south of Paris … the Loire Valley. This is your guide for this enchanted place, with all you’ll need for an unforgettable trip.
Real French for Travelers Online Course
Learn travel French online…a great way to prepare for your trip to France! Whether you’re starting from zero or needing a good review, this course fits your schedule. It’s yours to keep. Click the image to learn more.
FREE French Mini-Course: Polite Words and Expressions
Get ready for your trip to France with this FREE online mini-course covering polite words and expressions. Video lessons will tell you how, what, and when to say polite expressions and greetings in France.
Real French for Travelers: The Book
When you go to France, why grab your phrasebook when you can learn REAL French? Simple chapters will take you from zero to past tense in clear lessons. Tons of travel vocabulary, too! (Also in online course)
Regions of France
Everything under the sun . . .
More things to do in France and travel tips, too!
Along with travel tips that will help you have a great trip, there are many activities you can do in France. (Hiking, biking, boating, cooking classes, language study vacations . . . ) Have a look at this Alphabetical List (click the button) to find what you’re looking for!