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Paris: Magnetic Montmartre
If you have seen the popular movie, “Amelie,” you may have been drawn into the character’s world by the unique charm of the Montmartre neighborhood of Paris. Today, this is one of the top “must-see” areas of Paris, dominated by the Sacré Coeur Basilica. An equal...
Traveling through France with Fido
By Cathi Bert-Roussel, guest blogger (Triangle Paws Magazine) Now it is easier than ever to travel to and throughout France with your dog. With some planning and an understanding of how to navigate your way with a dog in tow, you can have a memorable visit without...
3 Days in Paris
Paris . . . you’ve always wanted to go. you’ve just learned that you can sneak in a 3-day side-trip as an add-on to your Provence or Loire Valley vacation. Or your business trip somewhere else in Europe. What can you do in three days? Actually, a lot. But you need to...
Northern France: The Inland Tour
If you read last week’s post, part one on Northern France, you saw highlights of the Opal Coast, the north coast of France facing the English Channel. But there are also unforgettable places to lure you inland. There will certainly be a few surprises, too. One of the...
The Northern Tip: Beach Tour
Ever wonder what lies at the northern tip of France? If you’re in Paris, keep heading north until you reach a region called Hauts-de-France, or simply, northern France, just east of Normandy. This area used to be two regions, Nord-Pas-de-Calais (close to the English...
Cruising French Waters
When we think of visiting France, we might think of visiting monuments, hopping the TGV (high-speed train), renting a car. Have you ever thought of French waterways? Much of French culture and history has occurred near rivers, so there is a rich supply of sites,...
Is France Expensive? Here are 21 Ways to Save Euros
Europe has a reputation for being expensive, and France is included in that assumption. But is it really? Like any other country, some things are more expensive and some are less. If you compare France with the U.S., you’ll find that in France... Gas is more expensive...
For Your Next Trip
Are you looking ahead to a trip to France in 2018? I hope that during the last year Oliver’s France has given you plenty of ideas for where to go and things to experience. There are probably enough fascinating places in France for a lifetime of vacations! Better get...
Auvergne: Discover and Delight
I first heard about Auvergne, a region in south central France, from my friend Françoise, who is from there. She always talked about how beautiful the landscape is. She never mentioned the volcanoes, so I was surprised to learn that Auvergne has the most volcanic...
Ski the French Alps
It’s not too early to think about skiing, and who has better resorts than France? In recent years the level of French resort accommodations has become consistent in quality and comfort. France provides a huge variety of ski experiences with resorts of all sizes,...
Parisian Café Culture
The Parisian café is something of an icon, one that exists everywhere. It is almost as synonymous with Paris as the Eiffel Tower, complete with the row of round tables facing outward to the sidewalk. Even though the weather in Europe can be fickle, small tables...
La Camargue…Unique Nature
There’s a place in France that can only be called unique. It might not appeal to the average traveler, but rather one who seeks the unusual experience in the midst of nature. That place is La Camargue, at the bottom end of Provence, a regional park and natural reserve...