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Sports in France: Extreme or Not

Sports in France: Extreme or Not

Sports in France: Part of the fabric of French culture. We may know this instinctively as we watch the World Cup, the Roland Garros, or the Tour de France on TV or online. French high schools don’t typically offer team sports as extracurricular activities, but many...

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News from Oliver’s France

News from Oliver’s France

Fresh Ideas for France Travel from Oliver's France I hope your summer is going even better than you expected, with the Covid reality still with us. Some travel has resumed, but much international travel hasn’t yet. We travelers are impatient and eager to get going,...

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Versailles: Château and City

Versailles: Château and City

When people hear the name Versailles, they often think of the opulent château. The Château de Versailles is a must-see on many a tourist’s list! This was where King Louis XIV moved when he wanted to escape to the suburbs. But did you know that the town of Versailles...

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The Most Important French Words

The Most Important French Words

Traveling to France is back on our radar It is gradually opening up to welcome France travel-lovers of the world. As we prepare to travel again, let’s get practical. Maybe you don’t speak French and don’t see the reason to learn. There’s a very important reason to...

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Wandering Paris: 5 Neighborhoods to Explore

Wandering Paris: 5 Neighborhoods to Explore

Explore Paris Finally, you can travel to Paris again! Once you’ve seen the icons like the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame, you might just want to wander aimlessly in some memorable neighborhoods of Paris. Here are 5 of them you’ll enjoy. Some are better known than others,...

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Travel Fever: France Trip Ideas

Travel Fever: France Trip Ideas

Do you have travel fever? With all the talk of France opening up, as it will soon to vaccinated or virus-free visitors from select countries, you may be thinking about what your next trip will be like. Will you head to the beaches, to Paris, to the Alps, or one of the...

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A Taste of France: Quiche Lorraine

A Taste of France: Quiche Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine One of the best-known French meals is Quiche Lorraine. It originated in eastern France in the Lorraine region next to Germany. There are many variations of the recipe. Some cooks choose not to add cheese, using only bacon for flavor. I think it’s...

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The Oldest in France

The Oldest in France

Oldest in France One of the things we love about France and Europe, in general, is the history we see all around us. Many historical events are remembered with the help of the buildings that still stand, giving us the opportunity to view and imagine what it was like....

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Cognac, France: Town and Taste

Cognac, France: Town and Taste

 Cognac It’s not just high-end French brandy. It’s also a town of over 18,000 inhabitants. Cognac lies about 60 miles north of Bordeaux (100 km) and is close to the towns of Angouleme and Saintes. In Cognac, there is more there to see than only Cognac distillery tours...

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A Tour Through the Luberon: Provence, France

A Tour Through the Luberon: Provence, France

When you think of Provence, France, you might think of lavender fields, olive groves, rocky outcrops topped with walled villages. You’re thinking of an area called the Luberon, at the foot of the Luberon mountain range. This area was put on the tourist map by Peter...

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